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Yehuda Ibn Tibon, 1120-1190

Patron of “Translators”: Physician, Philosopher,

Poet Statute in Grenada (Spain)


Photo: Edith Kelly

Various types of interpreting can be used

Interpreting techniques

The most suitable for you will depend on the size and form of your event as well as the languages involved.​ 


I will be happy to advise you in this regard.

The different types of interpreting

1 / Simultaneous interpreting

This form of interpreting has established itself over the past 50 years. The speaker’s words are translated simultaneously, so-to-speak at the same time as they are spoken in the original. This form of interpreting requires the highest degree of concentration and attention, involving at least two simultaneous interpreters (in the case of difficult and longer events, three or more simultaneous interpreters) for each language combination. Interpreters work in soundproof booths so that they can assist each other and do a regular handover. One interpreter can handle assignments of up to 40 minutes in many instances. Listeners are provided with headsets to receive sound.


This form of interpreting is particularly suitable for larger multi-language events and conferences, for supervisory board meetings and for annual general meetings as well as meetings and negotiations in which the time delay arising in consecutive interpreting has to be avoided.


Depending on requirements, technical equipment is absolutely necessary: soundproof booth(s), microphones for speakers (clip-on as well as standing microphones, transmitter, receivers, public address systems, conference and interpreting equipment etc.). Depending on the size of the event, a so-called “whispering unit” may be adequate. In this instance, participants listen, using headphones.​


2 / Consecutive interpreting

This is the classic form of interpreting whereby longer pieces of a speech or statements (up to 10-15 minutes) are translated subsequent to the speaker having delivered the original. This is done on the basis of notes (using a special form of notetaking). This form of interpreting is especially suitable for celebratory and welcoming speeches, papers, difficult bi- or trilingual negotiations, and festive occasions etc.


The number of interpreters required depends on the degree of difficulty and duration of the job, one interpreter is oftentimes sufficient in many instances. He or she sits at the conference table or stands beside the speaker; listeners get the translation without headphones. The important thing is that the interpreter is positioned such that the speaker can be easily heard and seen. Consecutive interpreting is suitable for up to a maximum of three languages.


It is necessary to take account of the fact that consecutive interpreting requires almost double the amount of time in total, compared to simultaneous interpreting.


3 / Depositions and arbitrations

When interpreting at depositions (hearing of witnesses by foreign lawyers, usually US lawyers) and at arbitrations, extreme accuracy in formulation and sensitivity in choice of words, intuition and technical and legal competence is called for. Interpreting of questions (from lawyers of all parties) and answers (of witnesses) are recorded by a court reporter, frequently also on video. They are then transcribed and go to the judge for decision.


At depositions, interpreting is usually consecutive, in rare cases simultaneous. Depositions sometimes take the form of video conferences. Arbitrations are mostly interpreted simultaneously.


On request, I can provide an extract from a list of references of lawyers and law offices where I have interpreted at depositions and arbitrations.


4 / Whispering interpreting

This form of interpreting is a special form of simultaneous interpreting, differing in the fact that no conference equipment is used. The interpreter sits next to the person who needs to listen in a language that he or she understands and whispers “practically simultaneously” the content of the speech.


Depending on duration, one or two interpreters are required. In the interests of the other listeners, who may be disturbed by the whispering, this form of interpreting is suitable for maximum three persons.


Use of a so-called “whispering unit”, which is not soundproof, is to be recommended in many instances. Listeners hear the spoken word via earphone. Whispering interpreting is suitable for medium and small events, for works visits, training on equipment etc.


Escort interpreting is a special version of whisper interpreting. This form of interpreting is suitable for visits to exhibitions and tours with small numbers.​


5 / Liaison Interpreting

In this form of interpreting, the content is spoken by the interpreter, sentence after sentence, or in short pieces, in direct communication, e.g. at a round table. The number of participants should be limited to 10-12 and the number of languages should be three or less.


As the name indicates, this form of interpreting is suitable for commercial negotiations, contract agreements, visits to banks, notary appointments, visits to trade exhibitions etc.


6 / Remote Interpreting

Remote interpretation is the process of rendering a spoken message into another language, preserving the register and meaning of the source language. It is thus possible for interpreters, speakers and participants to interact from anywhere on the planet.


Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) is the process of remotely translating speech from one language to another in real-time. It is typically done through a cloud-based platform, meaning no lag, no equipment and no barriers.


Remote Consecutive Interpretation (RCI) follows the same rules.


7 / Video conferences

Video conferencing provides the possibility of having one or more people, who cannot be physically present, participate in or to arrange a conference, international congress or meeting where some or all participants are at different locations, maybe even on different continents. Nevertheless, the impression of actually coming together is created by modern technology. Video conferencing takes place usually in special conference rooms or on company premises.


Interpreting at video conferences can be either consecutive or simultaneous. Video conferences with interpreting should not go beyond four hours as a high degree of concentration and attention is called for. Sometimes, whispering is sufficient, for example, when only 1 participant is not (sufficiently) familiar with the conference language.



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